Saturday, January 14, 2012


I iz loving school. My partner is Qudri (a prefect), so it should be nice for me. I've got the best teachers ever, like Pn. Aziah, Pn. Sounah, Pn. Nazilah, annnddddd the principal is now teaching 3 Proactive Civics. I too, have the best friends ever. So it's okay if you're jealous of me, guise. My seniors are okay-ish, and excitingly, I'm in the same tuition and class with my old mate Szujaa Suthesan, whom I've gotten used to calling 'Sujiah'. Live with it, pal. I've missed annoying you so.
We had diagnostic test, but I'd rather swallow the details up. You should only know that we had to do every paper in an hour's time. Geography was in subjective form, and several papers asked us craps. *shudders
If I were to opt between JPS's papers and my school's, I'd sooner pick the former. And apparently, so would more than half of JESS-ians.
Had cross-country today, and I didn't get so much as the Top 3. Which sucks. But I'm still grateful, for He has given me such opportunity to carry out tasks as such. On my way to the finishing line, I saw Khairina leisurely walking and calling my name, happily informing and pushing in my face that she had done her rights of being a PBSM quarterback. And that she was on her way home. HUUUUH. Some luck the girl had. 
I iz bored of tyyping now. I iz ggoing. Bye.