Thursday, August 30, 2012

The 'lifeless-ness' of a girl.

Ellow. Trials is ovahhhh. And we got our results before raya holidays even arrived.
Ehhh, forget school. I am so lazy now I don't even know what I do every day. Which is true. Days come and go like they're nothing. Such a scumbag that I am. Hmmmph.
Wanna peek at how my future life is gonna be?
Well, here's my sofa;
The Napper Crapper 2000 Is Real!

And my bed;
Best Bed Ever!

And then there's me bringing my baby to places;
Im Definitely Getting One Of These When I Have Kids

Husband's awesome parking spot;
How The?

And finalleh my son's graduation cot;
Fashion From The Internet
See my point? I'm lifeless.