Saturday, July 12, 2014


Wahlao. It's been a looooooooong time since I last updated my Blog.
Life has been so hectic and miserable as of current.
Well, that's what I thought until one Monday, at around 2 am, while I was taking a rest from doing Sejarah I-think maps, that I realized how amazing my life has been so far. Alhamdulillah.
The harder the circumstances and burden that I have to face each passing second, the tougher I become and the less I cry. Especially when I know of those who would always be there for me whenever I need them, no matter how bad the damages and screw-ups I've done.

((not forgetting that one party who is not in the pictures))
After all those happiness & laughters & dopey faces (and those aren't even a quarter of it), tell me why I should mourn and call my life ''miserable''?
Sure, I make mistakes at times, maybe even big and unforgivable ones, but I know I have all these people around me that will calm me and always support me back up even when it seems I've lost it all.

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