Thursday, June 13, 2013


Guy A
Oh wow you hate the way I conduct things. You hate the way how everything turn out to be.
Honestly, do you think I need all this rn?
How sure are you that things might be better if it were you who had to be the club president in times of desperation?
I received that friggin position during the half-term exam, for God's sake. Three weeks of exam, then it was straight to the two weeks of holiday. Seriously, it it were you, could you have done anything to make things better for our school's RCY club? Would you?
At least I have the courtesy to drag about 20 members to this National-level camp. And have my heart cut out at being told to do this and that for your ''Mama''. While you, you were so busy checking in your participation to that camp elsewhere.
And now, the first meeting under my conduct, did you really expect it to be extremely flawless? Have you forgotten that I was actually tasking a Form 5 guy's responsibilities? 
And you were mad because I chose that junior guy to be the one who helped me shout things. Did you know why? It was because of you. You were so busy demanding to everyone that I didn't have a loud enough voice for them all to hear. What do you expect? Do you wish me to suddenly have this magic that can make my voice louder? Hello, my fcking voice is fcking slow. I can't change that. Just like you, not abling to change your lousy attitude, I guess. 

Guy B
You. One of the people I least expected bullshits from. I trusted you, I really did. But you chose to stab me on the head, upfront, using your hurtful words. You slashed me. 
Your line.... I'll never let that out of my mind. Even if I've forgiven you at some point later, I don't think it'll ever escape my soul.
You betrayed me. Remember that time when I stood up for you, and you felt so touched? No?
You complained about things, I swallowed that up. You boasted how easy the papers were, despite me claiming that I was sick and that the questions looked awfully misplaced, I still liked you. You jerked up, I tolerated with that. So why is it that in my times of need, you were not there, rooting for me as how you said you would?
Where's this '''friendship''' thing that we always talked about?
I remember you confessing, how jealous you were of me and shit.
Do you honestly think I care about all of these things I am achieving if it wasn't for you guys to be proud of me? So that you can just go up and out, and point at me and tell people that I am your friend, without any shame. But I guess I need not have tried at all in the first place. 
Thanks for showing me how reality really is.
I guess I just can't trust people too much now. Everyone'll hurt us at some point in our lives. It's just inevitable.

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